Term 6 Week 5

Hi wonderful 5KT! We hope you have had a good week. Thank you to everyone who has emailed us, sent us photos and commented here on the blog. Don’t forget, we need to hear from you each week, with a photo or some evidence of some of the work you’ve been doing at home. We really do love hearing from you!

This week, we’d love you to tell us about your favourite animal! What do you like about it? Have you ever seen one, or maybe you have one as a pet?! Here are some interesting facts about our favourite animals:

Ms K

My long standing favourite mammal is a dolphin.

I once travelled to Dingle in Ireland to visit a local non-captive dolphin called Fungie. He loves human interaction and has played with the surfers for over 30 years there. 

Even though they don’t use surf boards, dolphins love to go surfing! Just like human body surfers, dolphins are known to ride the crests of big waves as they roll into shore. Just before the wave crashes into shore, the dolphins will turn around and rush back into open water to catch a new wave. 

How cool are they 😎

Mrs T

I have always been fascinated by sea turtles. 🐢🌊 I loved the ones in the film Finding Nemo, and I have been lucky enough to see turtles in real life, swimming in the sea around a Greek island called Kefalonia.🏖️

These photos were taken in August at the main fishing harbour of Kefalonia. Every day, lots of turtles come to the harbour to meet the fishermen, who always throw them some fish! 🎏 These amazing animals swim right next to the harbour wall and people flock to see them.

They are actually an endangered species and there are many protection schemes to help ensure they don’t die out. This particular species are called Caretta Caretta and they are loggerhead turtles. They have distinctive large, reddish-brown heads and are thought to be one of the oldest species in the world! 
I find them truly fascinating and somehow majestic. I could watch them for hours! I feel very privileged to have seen them swimming in their natural habitat. 🌊🐢

Miss S

I absolutely love Polar Bears. They are marine mammals which means they are adapted to live a lot of their lives in the ocean and some time on land.

On my 10th birthday, my uncle adopted a polar for me and my sister. She was called Nanuk and was tracked for us over a few years. Each month we would raise money for Nanuk by bake sales, running races, etc then later on we discovered she had had two baby cubs! We got pictures in the post once a year of Nanuk and her cubs!

Did you know that polar bears actually have black skin? Their fur is translucent which means it reflects light making the fur look white! How cool is that? When mother bears have their cubs, they will only stay with them for around 2 years, the cubs then have to go away and do their own hunting and look after themselves. Even though polar bears are the largest land carnivore (meat eaters) they can swim for a very long time, around 30 miles, to be able to get to different ice lands when ice starts to melt, and to hunt for their next bit of food. But sometimes they will have to go 8 months without any food. What’s your favourite animal? 

Here’s a picture of a beautiful polar bear!

This week’s tasks

Similarly to last term, every Monday we will set tasks on here for you to complete at home. If you have any questions about the work, or just want to say hi, you can use the ‘Comment’ section below (don’t forget to use your initials only, and you don’t need to put an email address).

Please send us your brilliant work and photos using our class email address: 5KT@westrise-jun.e-sussex.sch.uk Don’t worry if you can’t email us your work. Please keep it all in a safe place, and once we are back at school you can bring it in to show us.

If you have any other queries, questions or concerns please ask your adult to email Mr Fairclough:mikef@westrise-jun.e-sussex.sch.uk

Maths Tasks


Have a look on MyMaths for your tasks. This week they are all about Measurement.

This week, we would also like you to check out these MyMaths games, all found in Games / What Am I :

  • 2D
  • 3D
  • Guess your Number

Let us know which game was your favourite!

  • Spellings

Here are this week’s spellings. You know lots of fun ways to practise these; rainbow writing, acrostic poems, blue for vowels, plus all the other activities we have carried out in class. On Friday, ask someone at home to test you on these by putting them into sentences (dictation), just like we do at school. Comment on this Blog post or email us to let us know how you got on.

Miss G’s GroupMs H’s GroupMs K and Mrs T’s GroupMiss Stringall, Miss Scott and Miss Bevan’s (Miss Hayes old group) Groups
silent letters knight castle island lamb thistle loch knock doubt listen solemn  silent letters knight castle island lamb thistle loch knock doubt  silent letters knight castle island lamb thistle loch  pattern-sion division invasion mission tension vision

Writing Task

Greek Myth – Theseus and The Minotaur

Listen to the story of Theseus and The Minotaur using the following link:


We would like you to take this story and turn it into a comic strip.

Think about how many boxes you will need, and how you will show in pictures and short sentences what is happening. Could you add speech using speech bubbles?

Have fun and be creative!

  • Topic Task : The Lost City of Atlantis

You have been undertaking an individual investigation at home into the allegedly lost city of Atlantis. You have had fun investigating Atlantis and have found evidence from different sources. It is now time for you to make a decision about whether the stories you have read are historical fact or fiction.

Write a report about what you found and how you came to your decision. Give evidence that proves you are correct. Email your finished report and we will put them up on the blog!

  • Science

You will be thrilled to know that Science is back!

YAY SCIENCE - Happy Homer | Make a Meme

This week you will learning that forces are acting all the time, even when an object does not move. You will identify different types of forces, how they act on an object and that forces are represented by force arrows which show both the direction the force acts in and the size of the force.

We will continue focusing on Evaluation.

For the fun investigation, which should definitely be done outside, you will need:

  • a small plastic bottle with a sports drinking top, like a ‘Fruit Shoot‘ bottle,
  • some vitamin C tablets like ‘Berroca’, *
  • a mug,
  • kitchen roll or tissues
  • water 

*OR instead of the vitamin C tablets you could use bicarbonate of soda and vinegar. 

You will also need a pen, a pencil and access to a tablet, laptop or iPad.

This week there is a slightly different way to access the experiment.

Click on the link  https://home.empiribox.com/lessons/forces/

On the right hand side of the screen you will see a list of lessons. Please select Lesson One :Introduction to Forces.

On the left hand side is a button offering Worksheets and once they are printed click play arrow on the screen above and the lesson will begin.


  • PE

This week’s challenges are all to do with Rugby! We all really enjoyed playing Tag Rugby together at the beginning of Year 5 – do you remember?!

This week’s challenges are called:

Figure of Eight

Up and Over

Rugby Passing

Keep Try-ing

They all look really fun, so let’s work together towards a great score for our school! Check out this link for more detailed information about each challenge, and how to join in with the Sussex School Games. https://www.activesussex.org/virtual/

For even more learning activities, you can also use these fantastic websites:

In addition to all of this, please also remember that our school Facebook page is constantly being updated with useful information and helpful hints and tips. If your grown up isn’t signed up, send us an email and we can direct them to this.

Have a good week! 😊 We can’t wait to hear from you!

Ms K, Mrs T and Miss S

13 thoughts on “Term 6 Week 5

  1. I did only 1 of the games and the other 3 weren’t iPad friendly can you please find iPad friendly games net time


    1. Hi OL 😊 Thanks for letting us know. Perhaps you could also look into whether you could download another app to make your iPad more game friendly?! Some children have said that downloading Puffin academy and also enabling Flash has helped. 😊 Ms K and and Mrs Taylor


    1. Thanks – we will look into this! Perhaps you could also look into whether you could download another app to make your iPad more game friendly?! Some children have said that downloading Puffin academy and also enabling Flash has helped. 😊


    1. Hi LS, thank you for sending us emails with work and what you’ve been up to. We love reading and replying to them. We will reply to them when we can (we’ve got a bit busier since we’re teaching year 6 in school). We miss you and are so looking forward to seeing you back in school when we can. Ms K and Mrs Taylor xx


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